Spiritual Counseling
Thank you for your interest in UIL’s Spiritual Counseling opportunities! We are honored by our shared journey and eager to connect with you in this deep way!
Please note that UIL offers a maximum block of 3 sessions. After a sufficient period of time has passed, a second, 3-session block may be requested. Of course, you are welcome to schedule a single session as well!
Please note:
Spiritual Counseling is a framework in which the wisdom and practices of Unity and other faith traditions might be brought to bear on life in a one-on-one setting.
Prayer, meditation or other spiritual practices will be included in sessions. Other forms of “homework” may be suggested as well.
Spiritual Counseling is decidedly distinct from mental health counselling. UIL’s counselors are happy to refer, as and if necessary.
UIL’s counselors may not offer addiction/substance abuse counseling.
UIL’s counselors are permissive reporters. This means that when counselors “have reason to believe abuse, abandonment, neglect, or self-neglect, is, or has, occurred,” appropriate authorities may be alerted. Source: www.dshs.wa.gov.
Otherwise, counseling sessions are subject to strict confidentiality. Sessions will not be recorded or facilitated in any non-private setting. Spiritual Counseling may not be conducted or continued in written form, including email.
Spiritual Counseling is offered on a freewill offering basis. Should you choose to make a gift for your session(s), gifts should be facilitated through Unity in Lynnwood’s giving vehicles. Spiritual Counselors do not accept gifts or receive gifts on behalf of Unity in Lynnwood.