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"Prayer is more than supplication. It is an affirmation of Truth that eternally exists, but which has not yet come into consciousness. It comes into consciousness not by supplication but by affirmation."


Charles Fillmore

The Revealing Word

Co-founder of the Unity movement



Have you ever been on a retreat where you came away knowing you were changed for the better? Have you ever had the opportunity to sit with someone who looks into your eyes in a way that is so loving you can just feel the stress sliding off your shoulders as you rested in the compassionate warmth of their company?


This past Friday evening and all of Saturday I was blessed to be in the company of fifteen soulful women who are dedicated to their calling to be conduits of love for others in our various Unity communities. We came together to renew our commitment to serve people as prayer chaplains. We believe that when we can bring our best self in the form of our Christ consciousness and offer to pray with someone in a way that affirms their power as a child of God, the act of our prayer reminds us that we are divine humans with the capacity to change our perspective and therefore our experience of our lives.


When we paired off to pray, we practiced supporting one another with deep listening, affirming what we knew as the Truth of who we are as expressions of Godness or goodness. This precious gift, which I gave and received several times from my beautiful sisters has changed me in a deep way, which at the moment I have no words for.


If you ever want to have an experience of Agape love, I invite you to sit with a prayer chaplain in a Unity church. Just come and receive their gift to you. You don't have to earn it, buy it, or create it. You just let it wash over you and let yourself be reminded of the power within you that is greater than any seeming obstacle on your path. You are one with this miracle we call love.


with love,

Dana Consuelo

Director, Prayer Ministry

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