The idea was presented by Rabbi Ted Falcon. He suggested that members of the powerful majority – whether that majority status is born of ethnicity, religion, identity, age, class or otherwise – have a very real responsibility to members of the minority.
In a world so marked by resistance and struggle, he suggested that this very real responsibility calls members of the majority to step up and to say, “I’m with them,” in any moment of disregard, diminishment, domination (or worse) imposed upon the minority.
Yes, this means that this very real responsibility calls today’s Christian to don the kippah or the hijab, to step up next to the Jew and the Muslim, and to say, “I’m with them.” This very real responsibility calls today’s straight to don the rainbow or the triangle, to step up next to the gay, the bi and the trans, and to say, “I’m with them.” This very real responsibility calls today’s white to don any of the countless symbols affirming the value of every life, to step up next to the tan, the brown, the black, and to say, “I’m with them.”
We envision a world in which so many members of the powerful majority step up next to their brothers and sisters in every moment of vulnerability, that all discordant sounds of separation are completely swallowed by the ever-rising refrain of, “I’m with them, I’m with them, I’m with them.”
We invite you to join our chorus; join our Facebook group and/or order your “I’m with Them!” bracelet here today.